英 國劍橋安格利亞羅斯金大學學術會議:音樂治療及腦退化症 ( 04/ 09 / 2015 - 06 / 09 / 2015)
Anglia Ruskin University Conference (Cambridge, UK): Music Therapy and Dementia Care in the 21st CEntury (04 /09 / 2015 - 06 / 09 / 2015) 

opening ceremony
keynote speaker
Opening Ceremony Keynote Speaker Ming Hung Hsu Musical  Instruments Display
offical dinner
Mr. Ng's presentation
photo with classmate
Official Dinner with Erhu performance Mr. Ng's presentation  Mr Ng's Music Therapy Classmate - Hazel Child
2016-03-P3-08 Mr Ng and a Group of Hong Kong Music Therapists and Trainees
2016-03-P3-06 Closing Ceremony

Mr Ng and a Group of Hong Kong Music Therapists and Trainees  Closing Ceremony
